Sahlstein, Annmari
From demotivation and anxiety toward motivation and positiveness in learning and using a foreign language - is this possible?

Sayehli, Susan, Malin Ågren & Jonas Granfeldt
Secondary school leaders' attitudes towards second foreign languages

Shao, Jinshi
Dynamic assessment of Chinese EFL learners' L2 reading comprehension ability: A case study

Shieh, Jin-Jy & Barry Lee Reynolds
An exploratory study of curriculum decision-making in higher education: A case analysis of an ESL teacher

Siegel, Joseph
How to teach notetaking in ELT: An action research intervention

Siegel, Joseph
Understanding English Teacher Needs in Sweden

Šimičić, Lucija & Marija Ćubelić
Ideology of multilingualism and heteroglossic practices in Croatian elementary classrooms

Skarpaas, Kaja Granum
Practical and relevant? Vocationally Oriented English Instruction in Norwegian Upper Secondary School

Skoufaki, Sophia, Bojana Petric & Kakia Chatsiou
Polysemous academic English vocabulary in an English for Academic Purposes presessional course

Skrzypek, Dominika & Natalia Kolaczek
Passives in Swedish academic texts. A contrastive analysis of Polish and Scandinavian students' academic writing

Sundqvist, Pia, Henrik Gyllstad, Marie Källkvist & Erica Sandlund
Teacher Beliefs and Practices - Multilingualism in English Classrooms

Sylvén, Liss Kerstin
L2 English teaching and the challenges of the YouTube generation